Monday, January 3, 2011

Brevan New Years Day Close Ups

These are of Brevan on New Year's Eve day! I had been wanting to get some good close ups of him. I used my telephoto lense so he would not know I was taking pictures of him. It worked because he even looked at the camera for a few shots! He looks so angelic in these when really he can be a stinker! He likes to pinch me to get my attention lately. I get caught up with editing and scrapbooking! I am truly blessed to have him!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Morgan Family Photoshoot

I was asked to do my in laws family portraits before my neice went back to Hawaii for school. I am so glad I had the opportunity because I love how they turned out! 
Here is my niece Kellie! She is so photogenic!

This one is my favorite of her!

I love this photo of my niece Lisa with her dog. They are both so beautiful!

This is my favorite of Michael and Murissa with Timmy! He is so full of life and energy! They are such a cute family!

Here are the kids with mom and dad! Wayne and Karalie are the best parents! Wayne was especially patient with me as I asked him to do a hundred things to get the light just right!

When I look at this picture of these guys I am amazed at how much time has gone by since I joined the family! Kellie was just a tiny girl that followed me around when I came over to her house. Lisa wanted me to play with her on the trampoline when I first met her. Eric was a little shy boy but so funny when he warmed up to me! Michael was so outgoing and wanted to tell me all about his favorite things! Lots of good memories of these guys over the years. Thanks for letting me be part of the family!

Here is the whole gang! I am so grateful to have them as family! They all have been a wonderful influence on me and my kids! 
Murissa this is a shout out to you! You are a wonderful mother and wife! I know Heavenly Father will bless you with what you need this year! Love you guys!