Thursday, December 23, 2010


I am ready to do a giveaway now that things have settled down a bit here! I asked and you all seemed to want the knitted hat, so I am going to give away two hats and the 10$ itunes gift card as well!
                                                      Here are some sample hats! You get
                                                           to pick your color and size.

If you want to be entered in the giveaway please follow my blog here and leave a comment as well! You can earn extra entries if you share on Twitter, Facebook or your blog! I will pick the winners on Christmas day. Please come back to see if you have won! I will then email you asking what color hat and where to send your prize.


  1. hey I want in on the give away!
    Julie Meldrum

  2. Sign me up! I want to win!
    Brittany Meldrum

  3. Pick me! After all those hard classes and workouts, I deserve it woulodn't you say? :)

  4. Sign me up girly!! those hats are supper cute :) but I want in on whatever you are giving away :) fun stuff!

    Leigh Pickering
